Marketing as a Science. Analysis as a Service.

6 Layers

52 Sources

1016 Metrics

132 Audit Factors

30 Goals

204 Checks

Rob Bertholf's Six Layers of marketAIng

Six layers of marketAIng

Rob Bertholf’s layered framework brings a holistic approach to modern marketing, aligning to the "practitioners journey".

Historically, marketing strategies have been contained in silos, such as marketing verticals. Detached from the larger picture, focus was put on separating marketing efforts into individual channels like social media, PR, website design, or email marketing. This creates blind spots between silos for everyone involved from practitioners, to agencies, to business owners.

The six-layered approach deconstructs various marketing channels and rearranges the strategy into a logical and practical order. By working your way through each layer, you will more thoroughly understand digital marketing as well as the connections between each vital layer and what impacts each. In today’s modern marketing world, you need all six layers to form a truly comprehensive strategy.

Our recommendations engine places a score for each layer to understand where to focus resources in order to achieve a balanced marketing profile.

Goals Explorer

Successful marketers are able to bridge the gap between business objectives and marketing tasks.

However, this is a challenge for omni-channel analysts nevertheless executive management. Understanding what to prioritize, or what the expected outcome will be for prioritized tasks is often guesswork.

Our goals explorer associates expected outcome to each recommendation. With machine learning our prediction engine gets smarter each day.

Goals Explorer

Actionable Recommendations

Task assignment is made easy by our recommendation engine.

Through the automated qualitative and guided quantitative analysis marketAIng's recommendation engine generates highly customized and actionable recommendations.

Each recommendation is associated with an impact. This impact provide insight into what Goals or Layers are impacted along with a weight or impact level. This makes it easy to decide what to action on and what return on investment is expected for the resources allocated.

Recommendations may also contain actions, which are specific ways to execute on the recommendation, these come in the form of Do It Yourself (DIY) and Do It For Me (DIFM) options.

  • For DIY there are Protocols which provide step by step guidance to fix the issue
  • For DIFM options there are associated Services which are connected to our DIFM marketplace of Doers who are eager to fulfill the work

Our secret sauce comes from forming a relationship between 3 key areas:

  • Data is gathered from Metric Sources and their Metrics
    • Some Metric Sources are infrastructure for, or byproducts of marketing fulfillment (such as domain registrars, ssl providers, website hosts, etc.)
    • Some Metric Sources require permission to access them such as Google Search Console or Google Analytics.
    • Some Metric Sources are 3rd party tools collect data and create their own proprietary metrics (e.g. Ahrefs creates their own ranking or domain authority)
    • We have created a number of our own “marketAIng” harvesting services which scrape or crawl data that we then store or process into our own proprietary metrics
    • Context is stored as Tags, Topics, Layers and Outcomes and is associated with data and/or outcomes in order to provide a bridge between activity and outcomes.
  • Analysis
    • Factors: Analysis is organized by functional areas, or Factors. Factors are associated to Goals, Layers and Topics which provides context to both what we are Checking and the Recommended outcomes.
    • Checks: Checks are through our marketAIng recommendation engine. Checks come in a few forms:
      • 3rd Party: Some sources provide recommendations directly (such as Google Lighthouse)
      • QUANTitative: (Conditional Logic) These check metrics against known values such as industry benchmarks or historical values.
      • QUALitative: (Decision Tree) These checks are not automated, but augmented, and help the analyst come to a decision by asking a series of questions that lead them to a conclusion. These can be done by the client or agency, or can be done through a mechanical turk approach through our company.
  • Outcomes are the product that marketAIng sells, our Recommendations engine is our differentiator from other metric gathering sites.
    • Impact provide insight into what Goals or Layers are impacted, so you know what recommendations to action on based on the functional area you wish to work in, or what Goals you wish to impact.
    • Actions are specific ways to execute on the recommendation:
      • Protocol (DIY) this is what provides step by step way to fix the issue
      • Services (DIFM) provides services where our marketplace of doers will fulfill the work

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